Brexit - what will be the consequences?

The news had a big impact: The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. It dominated the newspapers for weeks and still there is a lot of uncertainty. This is also to be felt in Benidorm. What felt as far removed politics for the layed back Brits in the Benidorm sun, suddenly became a hot topic...

The Brexit had an impact on the British residents in Spain from the very first day. The Pound immediately sank lower. Your Pound is much less worth nowadays when you change them for EURO's... This does mean that a holiday to Spain could be more expensive than you would think. The level of the Pound also could potentially increase flight fares, because the Dollar is the currency in which fuel prices are calculated. 
For the British living in Spain, an important topic is the health care. The great benefits the UK-citizens in Spain have today, might diminish and therefor health care could become more expensive for the lucky ones living in Spain.
Although the rumours, there is not a sudden price drop in the house-market in the Costa Blanca. Brits are not leaving Spain by the thousands. There is some hesitation with the Brits to buy houses and apartments in the Costa Blanca, but the prices will not drop significant because of the Brexit.

So -at least- for this year, not much will change in Benidorm. Sadly enough for the holidaymakers, a holiday will cost you some more Pounds to Euro's, flight prices might go up on the long term, and a phone call to home might get a little more expensive, but as for today, no big changes are bound to happen. Travel agency's note that there are hardly any holiday to Spain cancelled because of the Brexit. Don't worry. Remember that prices in Benidorm are cheaper then in the UK, so although you might pay a little more then the previous holidays, a vacation to Spain could still be a better bargain then Blackpool, especially considering the weather!


News from Benidorm
Excursions / Experiences
A record summer for Spain in 2016

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