Weather in Benidorm

When you are from the UK, you will like the weather in Benidorm.

Benidorm is completely surrounded by mountains that protect the city from cold winds, clouds and rain. Thanks to this natural protection, Benidorm weather is soft and mild, even during the winter. The city has the mildest and driest climate of whole the Mediterranean area. It has an average of 325 days sunshine and even in the winter 6 hours of sun a day. Average temperatures almost never drop under 12 degrees and in the summer, although it can be hot, temperatures stay mostly in the 30 degrees, and a light sea breeze makes the climate bearable. The WHO (world health organization) has recognized the climate as one of the best in the whole world. The gentle climate and nice air quality have a positive effect on elderly and people with allergies, asthma, rheumatism, arthritis... . Myself, I am not to fond of the blistering sun. Most of the times I go on vacation in November. Temperatures normally stay around a comfortable 22 to 24 degrees Celsuis. There are some rainy days, but most of the time you can sit on a terrace in the sun under a bright blue sky...

In short: Benidorm weather makes it a great place to visit, not only in summertime, but also during those harsh winter months!

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