
For many reasons, I include a disclaimer for all my articles on this blog.

  1. I am not affiliated with anyone of interest in Benidorm. I write this blog as a hobby. I do not know anyone personally who has interest in travel/ tourism/ marketing...in Benidorm. All the excursions I write about are based on my own experience and I do certainly not get paid for putting something on my weblog!
  2. I do not live in Benidorm. I only go on vacation once a year and on this small vacation, I collect the information I write on the blog. For the news facts, I make sure to use decent and trustworthy sources and always use 2 or more sources to validate. Not living in Benidorm also means the prices mentioned on this blog could be outdated. I do not check all the prices every year.
  3. I am not from the UK, but from Belgium. I made a Dutch blog first, but on request I started an English. It is a good way to learn to write English, but since I am learning, I will make a lot of mistakes. I apologize for this and please be welcome to correct me.

I hope you really enjoy the blog and find it useful. If you have suggestions or questions, feel free to email me at