Benidorm Fiestas

Huge fireworks in Benidorm
It is always a party in Benidorm, but throughout the year, there are some traditional Fiestas and big events that are really worth changing your holiday dates for. I will give a brief summary of some of the bigger 'Fiestas'. I will start with the traditional Fiestas and end with some new events in Benidorm.

The Fallas are a HUGE fiesta in Valencia. Tons of firework and beautiful 'Papier Mache' structures go up in flames. Few know that also Benidorm has its Fallas. Certainly not as spectacular as the event in Valencia, but nontheless worth visiting when in Benidorm around mid-march. On different points in the city, beautifully crafted structures of wood and Styrofoam are set on fire. This is a must see, although I rather go to the craze of Valencia, if I had the choice.

Fireworks in the streets
The next fiesta is on Easter, the Semana Santa. This is a more religious (and culture) Fiesta for the locals. There are special masses in the church and processions throughout the old town.

Around mid June, you have the Fogueres de Sant Joan (Bonfires of Saint John). Huge fires are lit on the beaches of Benidorm and 1000s of locals go to the beach with flares. Around midnight, they would go into the sea. I never saw it, so I cannot tell you if this is true. I can tell you there are very beautiful fireworks to be seen for 4 days. So if you are planning to Benidorm in June, make sure to not miss the festival.

The Christian knights are coming!
The beginning of October in Benidorm, they commemorate the battle between the Moors and the Christians. I was in Benidorm one time during this festival. There are parades, fireworks, battling knights on the beach and much more. On the end of Calle Gambo, they set up a wooden castle which should be conquered by the Cristian knights. This is a deafening theater as the knights shoot blanks with old weapons. We had to run away from there, it was really loud! Beware with small children. All in all a nice festival. Not every parade is worth waiting for, but the fireworks are great and the old town is nicely decorated.

The real Fiesta of Benidorm is in November. It starts the weekend of the second sunday in November and is called The fiestas Majors Patronals Benidorm. This is THE fiesta to go to. It is a outside of the holiday season and that is the biggest downside of going to this Fiesta. Chances are that the weather is not good enough to swim in the sea and occasionally it could rain or be clouded. We went to the Fiestas in 2012 and had rain for 7 days on end... But we tried again in 2015 and had bright blue skies for 14 days, with average temperatures of 24 degrees in during the day. At the evening, a light sweater was enough to go out for a stroll. I went swimming almost every day, but I must admit the water is pretty cold, it is not for the faint of hearted.... But the Fiesta makes it all worth while: Every day there are mascletta's (this is a sort of explosive fireworks that the hang in the streets), parades and processions and fireworks. The locals gather in Penya's, these are nothing more then garages and bars where they party all day long. Young kids trow really dangerous fireworks in the streets until late. If you are a bad sleeper: you will not get a lot of sleep around the old town. There is also a free show in the bullring. No worries: locals just run away from the bulls and do not hurt or kill them. Almost every day of the 5 day Fiesta, there are concerts and festivities around town... On the last day of the Fiesta, there is a HUGE parade and right afterwards a really brilliant fireworks: This is certainly not to be missed!
Dodging the raging bull, not for
the faint hearted
The day after the Fiestas, thursday, is the famous Fancy dress party in the square (Av de Mallorca). Starting around noon already, everyone is dressed up in the most hilarious characters. Bars and disco's are packed on the biggest party day of the year...
The Fiestas Patronales combine culture, fireworks and party and for anyone who plans to go to Benidorm in the fall, should really consider coming on the dates of the Fiestas. But remember: you will be tired by the end of the week of partying and the constant banging of fireworks...

Benidorm might have a lot of traditional Fiestas, it also has some annual events which grown to really huge parties.

There is the Irish link of course with St Patricks Day. Guinness will be flowing and the Square will turn green on this day. Pubs will be decorated and there will be extra entertainment.

Child having fun on a float
Around Juli, there is the Benidorm Song Contest. This used to be a very big show until 2006, but now it is a just a smaller song contest in the Parque d'Aigues. In the same park, there is always a summer program of concerts, so definitely check the tourist info when you go to Benidorm in august.
Another great Festival is the Low Cost Festival on the end of Juli. For a very small price (in 2016 it costs 63 EUR for three day entrance!) you can visit a big festival with a international line up!

And finally, in the begin of September there is the Benidorm Pride. This is similar to gay pride festivals all over the world. Benidorm has a big gay community, so a party is guaranteed!

These are just a some of the events happening during the year. Always check on the web if there is something to do during your holiday in Benidorm.

Practical information

  • Hotel receptions and tourist information desks provide you the details where to be...
  • Waiting can be frustrating: Spanish people have a different idea of being on time. Sometimes it is on the clock, but I also waited for 2 hours to see a parade!
  • Spanish tend to 'use elbows' in busy places. Be assertive, but also take things with a smile.
  • Of course be watchful in crowded places. I have heard of people who got their wallet stolen.
  • Fireworks in Spain are a lot fiercer then in the UK, children might get scared and it will hurt their ears.
  • Ask locals about the festivities, they always have hints or local information which most tourists don't know.
  • In the villages and cities around Benidorm, there are also big festivities. Sometimes it is definetly worth visiting these Fiestas.